Ryan and Aubrey Sorenson Family

Thursday, April 20, 2006

39 Weeks and counting....

One more week until the due date, but who knows how long until she finally decides she wants to make her appearance....At least I am still smiling :)

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

36 Weeks

This is me with 4 weeks to go!

Bells Palsy

Poor Ryan! He had Bells Palsy for a couple weeks in February/March...couldn't feel or move the right side of his face. These are a couple pictures from those weeks. It freaked me out at first until Ryan kept making jokes about it, then I referred to him as my little circus freak! He's pretty much 100% now, which is great! He's enjoying being able to blink his eye again!
For those of you who don't know what Bells Palsy is, here is a link for a brief description:

Easter 2006

Easter at the country club! Yummy! We just finished stuffing our faces!
You can't see my belly, but baby is still in there!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


To share our news, updates and fun stories! Enjoy!